Monday, February 23, 2009

extremely tired

i'm really realy tired, having opened the store at work and had class after. plus, i'm nursing a nice head cold... so i'll just make this brief and post some videos of things coming along:

Above is a video showing the Twitch plugin (from Video Copilot) used for a nice transition between the first two scenes. Don't know which one I like more at the moment though...

Above here is the full length video of the end glow trails part. It still needs some tweaking and doesnt have any camera animations, but the motion tracking seems OK. it could definately use some more work, but for the time being, its good enough to move on to the next hand.

And above here, i have a quick re-render of the name titles with some simple sound effects.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Full composite video so far

Here, you can see a video of what the completed project should mostly reflect. I managed to get the overlaying graphics pretty much done, and fine tuned them a bit to fit within the backgrounds. I animated the yellow flashes as well as the arrows and button presses, too. The newest addition though, is that slider at the bottom of the screen. What I like about it is that I learned how to animate using programming-like expressions in After Effects. This one has just a simple Wiggle parameter on the position's x-axis: wiggle(1,20); where it moves 20 pixels randomly once per second, thus giving it some nice random movement for that live-updating feel.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Title images and some photoshop work

I have been incredibly busy with work and have really struggled to make time to work on my projects... That said, I took some time to work on some things and got a decent amount of stuff done. I cleaned up the timing and syncing issues, so everything lines up as it should now. I then took some time to make some of the opening graphics; namely the character selection title, as linked above. It was pretty straight forward; I took some photos of Kristen in each outfit in different poses in front of the green screen and the green was removed and retouched in Photoshop. Made some simple shapes and layers and cropped/masked as necessary. Imported the layers into Premiere and animate them. Job done as far as I'm concerned. I then took some time to clean up the .psd files for some of the other overlay graphics just to make them easier to manage and animate once in Premiere.